Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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Find A 3 Bedroom Interior Unit Townhouse In Alexandria, Virginia For $1,379,000

This 3 bedroom in Old Town Alexandria interior unit townhouse is listed for $1,379,000. Ask Nesbitt Realty to look at interior unit townhouses for you before showing them to you. Not every agent will have the time for this extra service, but in some instances, a Nesbitt Realty agent may have already viewed homes this and other homes that meet your needs. Photo of 1323 Wilkes St Not everybody is cut out to own a large home in 22314 in the City of Alexandria, and if you're one of those people, it's better to find this out now than when you're under contract. Nesbitt Realty can give you an honest and objective assessment of your situation and goals to help you determine whether you should buy in 22314 in the City of Alexandria. Continue reading "Find A 3 Bedroom Interior Unit Townhouse In Alexandria, Virginia For $1,379,000"
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1308 Roundhouse Ln, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed For Sale

Would You Be Willing To Cough Up $700,000 For A Modest Place In 22314 in Alexandria?

Location and price are probably the two biggest factors for home home hunters. You can buy 1308 Roundhouse Ln Alexandria VA 22314 for circa $700,000. This place has 1,471 sqft of above grade living area. If you've set your budget about $700,000 you may want to take a hard look at 1308 Roundhouse Ln. Continue reading "1308 Roundhouse Ln, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed For Sale"
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2151 Jamieson Ave #2106/2107, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed

Contemporary-Style Place ⁝ Alexandria VA 22314

Buying real estate not unlike 2151 Jamieson Ave #2106/2107 is plausibly the most complex financial decision most Americans will ever make. Not to mention, as a legitimate whiz with experience working in The City of Alexandria, Will Nesbitt is a buyer client's guide who comprehends the informational and emotional support that shoppers need when trying to find and acquiring a penthouse like 2151 Jamieson Ave #2106/2107 in Alexandria. Actually, there are always pitfalls in 22314 in the City of Alexandria real estate.  But, a professional Realtor not unlike Will is able to help you to manage or avoid many of the problems  associated with buying a place of residence in The City of Alexandria. Continue reading "2151 Jamieson Ave #2106/2107, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed"
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Interesting Listings For Home Buyers Trying To Find A Small Entry-level Property

Definitely, you can find a small entry-level property in Northern VA. But there are only a limited number of entry-level condos in Alexandria. Perhaps one of them is the most compatible condo for you. If it's not 2050 Jamieson Ave #1002, then it might be one of the properties listed below. Julie Nesbitt can explain how the U.S. Tax Code allows a property hunter to deduct the interest on your mortgage. She is not a tax advisor or tax preparer, but Julie Nesbitt can help you understand the basics that every American should know. Continue reading "Interesting Listings For Home Buyers Trying To Find A Small Entry-level Property"
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Are You Wondering How Much Your Condo In The City Of Alexandria At The Jamieson Will Sell For?

Recent Sales Of Condos at The Jamieson in 22314 in the City of Alexandria

Do you know what your home at The Jamieson in 22314 is actually worth? Nesbitt Realty can help you find the market value of your home in 22314 for free. Photo of 2050 Jamieson Ave #1002 Are you considering selling your home in the City of Alexandria at The Jamieson? If so, it's suggested to take into account what residences have sold in the Alexandria Area at The Jamieson. That info can give a real estate seller a starting point for determining your $499,999 residence's value.

Did you know that in at The Jamieson:

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