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2050 Jamieson Ave #1310, Alexandria VA 22314 Advertised For Sale

What Kind Of Condo Can I Get In Alexandria For $400,000?

Let Stuart Nesbitt know if you're deliberating the possibility of $409,900 residences in Alexandria. 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310 is an example of this contemporary community in 22314. This condo advertised for sale at 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310 now might be the best choice of option. Indeed, many shoppers could be shocked by what this condo has to offer.
2050 Jamieson Ave #1310, Alexandria 22314

Rare 1BR w/ Balcony at The Jamieson! Sunny southern exposure w/ commanding view of the courthouse & Alexandria skyline. Roofdeck (on the same floor) w/ sweeping views of Old Town & Masonic Temple. Open kitchen w/ bar, cherry cabs, granite, SS ... [Read more]

Photo of 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310 $409,900 ⁘ 1 BR ⁘ 1 BA ⁘ 0 HB ⁘ 733 SQFT ⁘ 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310 Alexandria 22314 VA ⁘ The Jamieson

About The Same Size As 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310 In the City of Alexandria?

All the condos in this table are about the same living area as 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310. Why compare properties of a similar size to 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310 in the City of Alexandria? In fact, by comparing similarly-sized residences, a property hunter can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in the City of Alexandria and Northern Virginia.
Budget (1 to $300,000)6 Active
Affordable (300001 to $400,000)9 Active
Entry-Level (400001 to $550,000)6 Active
Choice (550001 to $750,000)2 Active
Premium (750001 to $950,001)1 Active

Communities In the City of Alexandria Around $409,900

All the places in this table have places advertised for sale which are roughly the same living area as 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing a few neighborhoods, a buyer can appreciate what is actually available in the City of Alexandria.

Age Of Homes That Cost About As Much As 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310

Is the age of the home of importance to you? In The Jamieson, homes are typically 14 years old. In fact, you might wonder how old are similarly-priced homes listed in Alexandria? The table below can give you an idea of the age of homes that are selling for circa $409,900.
Recently built (2019 - 2022)1 Active
21st Century (2003 - 2012)11 Active
Millennial (1998 - 2002)7 Active
Late 20th Century (1983 - 1999)13 Active
Mid 20th Century (1938 - 1982)18 Active
19th Century (1800 - 1899)2 Active
Price: $409,900 : 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310, Alexandria, VA 22314 || Beds: 1 || Baths: 1 || Half-Baths: 0 || Living Area: 733 || Days On Market: 2 ||

Alexandria Home Buying Tips

Stuart's suggestions of the day for buyers looking at 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310 in Alexandria

Stuart Nesbitt is a trusted real estate agent. He works hard every day in and around 22314 in the City of Alexandria. This property is listed for sale asking $409,900. In the City of Alexandria, condos are typically 42 years old. Make an appealing offer! If your offer is not appealing in some way to the seller, then you have no chance at the purchase. This isn't always about the money. Stuart Nesbitt is good remarkable real estate professional. Thus, Stuart knows the best way to structure a contract to make it as appealing as possible to the sellers in the City of Alexandria. So, the more appealing your offer on a condo like 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310, the better chance it stands of being accepted.

Additional Listings About The Same Price

Stuart Nesbitt can aid you, if you would like to learn more about 2050 Jamieson Ave #1310 or any of the condos below. Furthermore, if needed, Stuart can provide details and more information.

Nesbitt Realty saves buyer's money.

Talk to Stuart Nesbitt to learn more from a well regarded guru on 22314 in the City of Alexandria real estate.

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