Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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520 John Carlyle St #109, Alexandria VA 22314 For Sale

$589,000 For Sale At 520 John Carlyle St #109 In The City of Alexandria

Location and price are probably the two biggest factors for place of residence purchasers. This real property is asking $589,000. If you're looking for homes in Alexandria and you want to invest around $600,000, you may want to contact Will Nesbitt about 520 John Carlyle St #109. Continue reading
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520 John Carlyle St #116, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory

2 Bedroom in 22314 Asking $735,000

Looking For At Least 1,063 Sqft Of Condo In 22314 For Less Than $750,000?

Depending upon your pre-approved price limit, you might want to really consider this condo at 520 John Carlyle St #116 which is listed for $735,000. On the other hand, compare 520 John Carlyle St #116 to others in the area that have approximately 1,119 sqft of living area. Continue reading

Enjoy Dine-In Or Takeout Specials From Local Restaurants

Although First Night Alexandria activities except fireworks are canceled, restaurants will be open serving up New Year's Eve specials. Del Ray restaurants are offering specials for either dine-in or takeout this Friday, Dec. 31. Below are some restaurant specials offered around Del Ray.
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Del Ray Holiday Card Lane Display To Be Held

Residents can once again see giant-sized holiday cards as part of a continuing tradition in Del Ray. The Holiday Card Lane is a collaborative effort of neighbors on East Luray Avenue to display oversized holiday cards in their front yards. Most of the displays are on East Luray Avenue between Mount Vernon Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue, resident Wendy Moniz told Patch in an email. But this year, more houses are participating, including on East Alexandria Avenue and beyond. Many houses will pair holiday music with their display, and caroling is planned for Dec. 16 at 6 p.m. Continue reading
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520 John Carlyle St #331, Alexandria VA 22314 Advertised For Sale

1 Bedroom in Carlyle Square For $424,900

520 John Carlyle St #331 is appears to be an intelligent purchase for many reasons. But Nesbitt Realty is not recommending you buy this condo, or any particular property in 22314 in the City of Alexandria ... at least, not until your agent know your goals. It's more important to me that we find the great property for you. What are your needs? What are your wants?

Have you thought about:

What style of property do you prefer? If you like unit/flat condos, you'll love the area around 520 John Carlyle St #331. The highest priced home in the section is listed for $424,900. Do you know if 520 John Carlyle St #331 is a good value? How much space do you need? How much space do you want? The average sized home in Carlyle Square is 730. Continue reading
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Choice To Be Offered In Alexandria Schools About In-Person, Virtual Classes In Fall

Families will have the choice to opt into an optional summer learning program and indicate their preference for the 2021-2022 school year at Alexandria City Public Schools. A learning choice form will be released to families on Tuesday. Families may choose to enroll in the Summer Learning for All and will choose either five days of in-person learning or five days of in-person virtual learning per week for the fall. Families must complete the survey between May 11 and 24. Continue reading
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Enjoy World Famous Chili At Hard Times Café

Hard Times Cafe is a local chain dishing up chili dishes, wings & burgers in a simple setting with flat-screen TVs. It is located at 1404 King St, Alexandria, VA. It serves nationally acclaimed Texas, Cincinnati, and vegetarian chili, plus burgers, sandwiches, and salads along with a large selection of microbrewed beers. Continue reading

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